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AI 實習生

  • 台北市大安區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 學歷不拘

1. 與前端、後端人員緊密合作,深入了解公司的需求,並提供精準的解決方案。 2. 協助推動先進的深度學習和機器學習算法的研發與精進。 3. 積極參與數據的收集、標記、前處理、後處理以及算法的開發與測試工作。 4. 持續追蹤並應用最新的技術論文中的內容。 歡迎電機、資工、資管、資科、物理和數學等科系的學生參與應徵。 提供長期實習機會,期望每週至少能夠投入三天以上,並希望實習時間能夠維持半年以上。 對人工智慧充滿熱情和興趣。 具備計算機相關學歷並擁有機器學習或深度學習研究背景者。 需精通 Python,具備基本的前後端能力將被視為額外優勢。 具有解難能力、毅力思考和解決問題能力者佳。 具備責任心、良好的溝通技巧和團隊合作能力者佳



  • 新北市三重區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 學歷不拘

《5/18-5/19》 工作內容:協助資訊設備架設 工作地點:新北市新莊區福慧路268號(靠近新北產業園區A3站) 《5/20-5/21》 工作內容:協助資訊設備移除及收拾 工作地點:新北市三重區光復路二段69號16樓(群光大樓) ★ 即日起,能優先到職為主~


4/23 〔Student Intern 學生實習專區〕 Site Reliability Engineering Intern, NSV

  • 台北市內湖區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 碩士

*請提供英文履歷及大學&研究所成績單* Site Reliability Engineering is an engineering discipline to design, build and maintain large scale production systems with high efficiency and availability using the combination of software and systems engineering practices. This is a highly specialized discipline which demand knowledge across different systems, networking, coding, database, capacity management, continuous delivery and deployment and opensource cloud enabling technologies like Kubernetes and OpenStack. SRE at NVIDIA ensures that our internal and external facing GPU cloud services have reliability and uptime as promised to the users and at the same time enabling developers to make changes to the existing system through careful preparation and planning while keeping an eye on capacity, latency and performance. SRE is also a mindset and a set of engineering approaches to running better production systems and optimizations. Much of our software development focuses on eliminating manual work through automation, performance tuning and growing efficiency of production systems. As SREs are responsible for the big picture of how our systems relate to each other, we use a breadth of tools and approaches to tackle a broad spectrum of problems. Practices such as limiting time spent on reactive operational work , blameless postmortems and proactive identification of potential outages factor into iterative improvement that is key to both product quality and interesting and dynamic day-to-day work. SRE's culture of diversity, intellectual curiosity, problem solving and openness is important to its success. Our organization brings together people with a wide variety of backgrounds, experiences and perspectives. We encourage them to collaborate, think big and take risks in a blame-free environment. We promote self-direction to work on meaningful projects, while we also strive to build an environment that provides the support and mentorship needed to learn and grow. What you’ll be doing: - Automate troubleshooting and failure detection. - Practice sustainable incident response and blameless postmortems. - Be part of an on-call rotation to support production systems. - Develop tooling to automate deployment and management of large-scale infrastructure environments, to automate operational monitoring and alerting, and to enable self-service consumption of resources. = Document the general procedures and practices, perform technology evaluations, related to distributed file systems. - Influence and guide methodologies for building, testing, and deploying applications to ensure optimal performance and resource utilization. - Engage in and improve the whole lifecycle of services—from inception and design, through deployment, operation and refinement.

待遇面議 員工18975人
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4/23 〔Student Intern 學生實習專區〕Server Firmware Developer Intern

  • 台北市內湖區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 碩士

*請提供英文履歷及大學&研究所成績單* NVIDIA’s invention of the GPU in 1999 fueled the growth of the PC gaming market, redefined modern computer graphics, and revolutionized parallel computing. More recently, GPU deep learning ignited modern deep learning — the next era of computing — with the GPU acting as the brain of computers, robots, and self-driving cars that can perceive and understand the world. Today, we are increasingly known as “the AI computing company.” We're looking to grow our company and establish teams with the most thoughtful people in the world. Are you ready to change the next generation of computing? Join us at the forefront of technological advancement. What you’ll be doing: - Working with a global team of BMC/SBIOS developers on NVIDIA server designs. - Designing and developing performance optimized active monitoring firmware solutions using DMTF Standards including MCTP, Redfish, SPDM and PLDM specifications. - Instrumenting code to ensure maximum code coverage, writing and automating unit tests for each implemented module and maintain detailed unit test case reports. - Providing software quality reports based on static analysis, code coverage, CPU load. - Working closely with hardware teams to influence hardware design and review HW architecture & schematics. - Collaborate with QA/Test architects to come up with proper test tools and automation for qualifying the whole system software and firmware stack.

待遇面議 員工18975人
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4/23 〔Student Intern 學生實習專區〕Applied Simulation Research Intern, Autonomous Driving

  • 台北市內湖區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 大學

NVIDIA is seeking an applied research / engineering intern to join the Applied Simulation team to advance Autonomous Driving. This role provides a unique opportunity to make algorithmic contributions to core products and apply their ideas at a very large scale to accelerate Autonomous Vehicles development. As an intern, you will conduct applied research related to real-to-synthetic domain adaptation , Neural Graphics, Generative AI and related fields. In order to scale-up current AV-algorithms, we need to learn from real datasets and create new synthetic datasets, orders of magnitude larger than existing ones which is a very challenging task. You may also have the opportunity to publish in premier conferences in the fields of Machine Learning and perception. What you'll be doing: - You will be responsible for conducting applied research in the domain of image generation, video generation, 3D generation using real-world datasets and evaluate and advance the performance of the NVIDIA DriveAV stack on such datasets. - In addition to the research aspect, you will also be helping to make this work easily available to AV developers as an infrastructure service to develop new AV functionalities & capabilities. - Collaborate with other research team members, a diverse set of internal product teams, and external researchers and have a broader impact through the transfer and/or open-source of the technology you've developed to relevant product groups.

待遇面議 員工18975人
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4/23 4024 - 實習程式設計師

  • 高雄市前鎮區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 大學

歡迎 資工/資管系等相關科系,大四學生、碩士生等加入團隊,期待具有下列特質的你加入團隊: ・對程式設計充滿熱忱,並保持不斷學習的心態,積極追求新知識 ・具有靈活的思維,敢於面對挑戰並追求創新,樂於解決複雜的問題 ・能夠主動與同事或主管討論想法,並且願意接受不同觀點,有能力進行思想碰撞 ・具備自主管理能力,能夠有效地管理時間和資源 在實習過程中會有高比重的內容,在於執行團隊現行已開發項目的相關測試,確保release的項目可以正常運作。 其次,也會安排程式端的項目,你可以學習到如何完成程式開發、測試、發佈的過程,透過與團隊合作,你將實際參與產品開發過程,獲得程式開發經驗,適合想要累積程式開發經驗的你。 我們期待與你一起成長,並成為我們長遠的夥伴。

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4/23 \\時薪200元外商實習// IT實習生(台北)【2024萬寶華實習生計畫】

  • 台北市大安區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 大學

▲歡迎至官網投遞履歷!取得更快速的面試機會! → https://www.manpowergrc.tw/product/4435 ▲計畫說明:https://mangrc.tw/bw4eI 【工作內容】 1. 每日巡查機房及各硬體系統 2. 協助解答並排除電腦、印表機使用問題 3. 清點設備、提報維護資料 4. 定期資訊設備更換或維修 5. 協助使用者備品機上線前置 6. 安裝PC作業系統、辦公室OA應用軟體 7. 電腦連線設定、業務作業系統安裝 【工作地點】萬寶華台北辦公室 (台北市大安區敦化南路二段105號13樓) 【工作時間】每周三個整天 (半年/一年制,2024/07/01報到) 【薪資待遇】時薪200元 【人數需求】1位 【必備條件】 1. Client端Support經驗尤佳 2. 網路基本概念、連線問題處理 3. PC硬體判斷及處理 4. Microsoft Networking Support 5. Microsoft Office Support能力 6. 溝通協調能力 【福利】 1. Mentor制度一定有,外面學不到的私藏招募技巧,​帶你一步步成為專業顧問,達成績效​! 2. 不定期就業市場分析內訓與各式教育訓練課程(語言、資訊、生活類通通都有!) 3. 多到滿出來的產業新知,讓你隨時隨地掌握就業市場動態​ 4. 這裡就是讓你與知名外商企業第一手接觸的開始​​ 5. 部門專屬零食、泡麵、飲料、茶水、咖啡無限量供應​ 6. 辦公室不定期因為節慶而生的下午茶、點心與各部門定期聚餐​,時不時還會收到來自公司的驚喜小禮物!​ 【備註】 報名時間為即日起至5月10日(五) 18:00止。 履歷先報名、先面試、先錄取,尋找到適合的人才後便會停止徵才,歡迎有興趣的同學把握機會!

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4/23 (實習)後端工程師(Node.js)-高雄

  • 高雄市苓雅區
  • 1年以上
  • 專科

公司介紹 捷德運動從高爾夫球市場出發,致力於開發LINE Bot功能,透過⼀個LINE好友「GOLFOURIT」即可取代數個App,「GOLFOURIT」包含多款球隊管理功能,球友使用人數突破3萬人,已使用的球隊群組超過800組,並已同步整合全臺灣55家球場資訊於一身。 公司官網:https://bots.tw/ 工作內容 ・ 開發穩定可維護的軟體 ・ 參與討論發想,設計出好的產品體驗 具備條件 ・ 熟悉 Typescript , Node.js ・ 擁有 Node.js 後端框架 Nestjs 經驗 ・ 了解SQL語法操作 ・ 願意參與團隊合作

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4/23 AI影像資料處理人員(兼職)

  • 台中市南區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 大學

1.協助標記深度學習晶片用資料庫中的待學習並辨認之物體。 2.協助整理深度學習晶片用資料庫使用之影像。 3.每周需要至少20個小時到公司上班打卡。(工作日為週一至週五) 依勞基法規定時薪計薪 註: 此工作項目為 兼職人員/工讀生 職缺

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4/23 前端工程師實習生(月薪制)-歡迎在校⽣、應屆畢業⽣或沒有前端工程⼯作經驗者

  • 台北市內湖區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 專科

關於TVBS TVBS電視台提供深入的媒體內容,包括即時新聞、熱門影片、直播、節目等。作為軟體部門,我們致力於不斷提供有價值的軟體,從應用程式到網站,以穩定的開發速度滿足客戶需求。我們不斷探索新技術,適應開發過程的變化並提供最好的產品。 職位描述 我們正在尋找一位極具動力和才華的前端實習生,具有良好的HTML5、CSS3和ReactJS知識,加入我們充滿活力和創新的團隊。作為一名前端實習生,您將有機會與我們經驗豐富的開發人員和使用者體驗測試團隊密切合作,使用最新的技術建立Web 應用程式和維護 UI。這將是一個絕佳的機會,讓您獲得實踐經驗,發展您的技術技能,並為實際專案的項目做出貢獻。 主要職責 與開發團隊合作,了解項目需求和設計規範。 協助使用ReactJS和TypeScript開發和實施Web應用程式的使用者互動頁面。 遵循最佳實踐和行業標準,撰寫乾淨、模組化和易於維護的程式碼。 進行跨瀏覽器兼容性測試,並解決前端問題。 與使用者體驗測試團隊合作,確保視覺和互動元素完整呈現。 保持與ReactJS和TypeScript開發相關的最新趨勢和進展。 參與code review、pair-programing和實務社群(community of practices)。 支援團隊處理與前端開發相關的各種任務。 About TVBS TVBS wireless satellite TV station provides in-depth media content such as instant news, popular videos, live broadcasts and programs. As a software division we are committed to continuously delivering valuable software to meet customer needs at a stable development rate from apps to websites. We are constantly exploring the new technologies, adapting the changes towards development process and delivering the best product. Job Description We are seeking a highly motivated and talented Front-end Intern with good knowledge in HTML5, CSS3 and ReactJS to join our dynamic and innovative team. As a front-end intern you will have the opportunity to work closely with our experienced developers and user-experience team to create and maintain UI for our web applications using latest technological stack. This would be a great opportunity to gain hands on experience, develop your technical skills and contribute towards a real world projects. Key Responsibilities Collaborate with the development team to understand project requirements and design specifications. Assist in the development and implementation of user interfaces for web applications using ReactJS and TypeScript. Write clean, modular, and maintainable code following best practices and industry standards. Conduct cross-browser compatibility testing and troubleshoot front-end issues. Collaborate with the UX team to ensure the seamless integration of visual and interactive elements. Stay up-to-date with the latest trends and advancements in ReactJS and TypeScript development. Participate in code reviews, pair programming and community of practices. Support the team in various tasks related to front-end development.

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4/23 企業實習生【數位應用發展處】

  • 台北市內湖區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 專科

1. 學習RPA自動化工具,並協助完成內部工作流程自動化需求與教育訓練。 2. 協助顧問完成外部客戶RPA自動化需求。 3. 配合部門需求進行新的AI、大數據等數位方案評估與導入。

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4/23 112008 FPGA實習生(長期實習 )

  • 桃園市龜山區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 大學

●工作內容: Study the industrial network/video related protocol spec and perform trial run the new devices provided by the vendors ●可學習到: 1. 藉由研讀與使用供應商提供的新設計, 更能與目前所學知識合一 2. 探索與應用習得的知識在特定實際的應用領域 ●實習時間: 能整學期實習尤佳,整學期實習每週至少20小時。

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4/23 【學生實習】大數據分析/量化分析實習生

  • 台北市內湖區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 大學

1. 參與系統產品開發,持續優化內容及使用者體驗。 2. 協助測試API(需具備一定Python程式設計能力)。 3. 測試流程(SOP)文件撰寫。 4. 進行壓力測試、撰寫測試報告。 5. 可實習期間需要至少半年以上,不接受短期工讀。

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4/23 【Taiwan Mobile Internship】IT Tech Genius Internship Program

  • 台北市大安區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 學歷不拘

Taiwan Mobile launched "Tech Genius Cultivation Internship Program" and is now actively recruiting interns. Candidates of any nationality are welcome, and internship periods are not limited to summer or winter vacations. The internship can be conducted both online and offline (in-person), and during the internship period, a dedicated mentor will guide you through hands-on work to learn practical industry frameworks. This will allow you to connect with the industry and become a technology elite leading the Web 3 movement. Come and join us to Open Possible and embark on a new chapter in your life. [Job Responsibility] After receiving resumes, HR will assist in matching the following four positions: System Development: ■ Participate in system development: start-up technology services, AI visual research and development, audio and video visual research and development, digital transformation research and development, speech recognition, cloud service research and development, information security research and development, BNPL payment services, cryptocurrency, massive data analysis. Data Modeling: ■ NLP word segmentation dataset processing. ■ AI multi-label classification modeling technology. ■ Labeling user characteristics and brand preferences to assist customers with accurate marketing. System Testing: ■ NoSQL/Database testing program writing, data migration, and performance testing. ■ Testing and program writing for management backend functions, APIs, service websites, and application service apps. M+ Innovation Module Development: ■ Optional team small games, conference AI image processing, etc

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